UK's Bad Housing Crisis

fighting for fairer housing in the UK

‘Dear bad man’

I was sent a copy of this letter by the mother of an 8 year old girl who had written to the perpetrator of the violence that had forced them to move away from friends and family.

Here is the extract:

‘Dear bad man

you scared me alot when you fighted outside our house. mum and dad used to get woried about it too. when you and your frends came in our house and beat up my dad, i was crying, my brother was crying. mum was crying to. i shaked upstairs and could not breathe.
dad just wanted you to fight somewhere else because we got scared by it alot. im glad you did not make my dad dead.

we all had to move away because of you. i miss my nan and my friends. i miss my pink bedroom and i got bullied at this new school. i am sad alot and my mum cries alot about what happend. i dont like this house, it is cold alot.
i dont understand why you would hurt my dad he looks after us.’

The family is still struggling to get good social rented housing, they are currently in temporary accommodation which is too small for their needs.

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